I guess I didn't really need this. Got it at the thrift and I'm still going to read it anyway. I remember having a couple of really bad winters (now a decade ago!) and it wasn't the weather that made things bad it was other stuff going on but overcast days and freezing weather made it so much worse. Noticeably so. I still remember feeling bad even when it was sunny and warm but better weather honestly helped quite a bit. I remember things seeming better once I went back to college and had more structure in my life by having a job that gave me more hours. Not that I want to spend all my time at work but it did help. I don't want time to move too fast but if you don't enjoy time off...
This winter went by really fast too, and for a while I've tried to ignore less daylight during it and think "well, night time is kinda cool too" but I just want sun.
One more month out of my life. Year four of covid. Cool. 🙃 I didn't really think abt NY resolutions but I guess I'm gonna go back on the depo shot since my skin hasn't magically gotten perfect in the 6 months I stopped it, but it never got great even on it so idk. I keep hearing conflicting things abt how you shouldn't be on it for more than 2 yrs so whatever.